New Skid Row Singer ‘Had No Idea’ How to Record His Vocals
New Skid Row singer Erik Gronwall didn’t tell his new bandmates that he didn't know how to operate his home studio to record vocals for their upcoming album The Gang’s All Here.
He tracked his parts without ever having met the rest of the group and revealed his secret only when they gathered for rehearsals ahead of his debut appearances in Las Vegas in March.
"I recorded 80% of the vocals for the new Skid Row album right here in my little studio at my house, without ever meeting the guys in the band or the producer," Gronwall said on Facebook. "I had never recorded myself before, and the little experience I had was thanks to [my] YouTube channel."
He added: “I, of course, didn’t tell the band and our producer Nick Raskulinecz that I had no experience. I spent a lot of time on the phone with my buddy Jona Tee who helped me, and I watched a lot of YouTube videos to figure it out. When I met the guys in Vegas and officially became the singer, I told Rachel Bolan about it and he basically said, ‘I’m so fucking glad you didn’t tell me that earlier.’ I had no idea what I was doing, but I figured it out and the album will be out Oct. 14!” Gronwall reflected that "if you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you'll find an excuse."
Bolan recently revealed that Skid Row first started thinking about Gronwall four years ago when they were touring with his band at the time, H.E.A.T. ”We’d hear him every night from the dressing room, and a couple of times, I was, like, ‘Man, listen to this guy sing. He’s phenomenal,’” the bassist said. “Then I went behind the monitor board a couple of times. … I’m like, ‘Wow, when Skid Row has some downtime, I’m gonna get in touch with this dude and start a side project with him.’’