Watch 60,000 Fans Sing Queen’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
As anyone who's ever been to a concert knows, the waiting is the hardest part -- specifically, the seemingly endless period between when you find your seat and the band finally takes the stage. Sometimes crowds find less-than-productive ways of passing the time (you'd think Guns 'N' Roses fans would have started bringing books to the venue by now), but every so often, corralling thousands of idle concertgoers into an arena can produce a magic moment.
Case in point: The above clip, filmed by a fan in attendance at Green Day's show at London's Emirates Stadium on June 1. As you can see, the place was packed -- in fact, according to the NME, it set an attendance record -- but rather than getting restless, the folks in the stands decided to pass the time by engaging in a mass impromptu singalong inspired by Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody' coming over the public address system.
Sure, we've all heard 'Bohemian Rhapsody' covered more times than we can count, but there's still something special about hearing that many voices in unison, especially when it happens spontaneously. Nicely done, Londoners! Freddie Mercury would be proud.