Queensryche Singer Geoff Tate Reacts to Hostile Fan Reviews of New Album
Well, you can't say Queensryche singer Geoff Tate isn't a good sport. In a new YouTube clip, the vocalist reacts to a barrage of incredibly vitriolic fan reviews of the group's new album, 'Frequency Unknown.'
The video is the result of a unique contest that Tate and his record label dreamed up to promote the recent release, which has proven quite controversial among longtime Queensryche fans. It marks the debut by a newly-formed lineup of the band, which Tate put together after being fired from Queesnryche last year. Many fan complaints have centered around the audio quality of the album, which Tate has attributed to rushing the project to meet a record company deadline. The band are offering fans an audio upgrade, but that clearly hasn't abated the anger of some of the more passionate listeners.
According to one YouTube reviewer, 'Frequency Unknown' is a "travesty of an album" that is "mediocre at best," while "the production is sh--."
"It was horrible," says another, suggesting that Tate -- who produces his own line of wine -- should seek help from both AA and a vocal coach. Another fan claims, "Every song sucked," while one particularly disenchanted former Tate follower states, "I used to respect you -- now I only despise you."
Tate's reactions range from amused to puzzled, ending with him holding his head in his hands. And while it's not clear why, exactly, the singer would either subject himself to such an outpouring of unmitigated contempt, or post it online, the clip ends with "To be continued. . ."
Ironically, the winner of the YouTube rant contest will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to see Queensryche perform at a hometown show at Seattle on June 29, including special VIP seating and meet-and-greet passes -- which it sounds like none of these people would be especially interested in at the moment. The package also includes a merchandise package worth $250, which Tate's label says “you can feel free to either burn, or wear in style!”