Iron Maiden’s Bruce Dickinson Chides Judas Priest for Using Teleprompters
In a no-holds barred interview full of witty, sometimes stinging critiques for fellow musicians and even certain music fans, Iron Maiden singer Bruce Dickinson publicly wonders exactly why Judas Priest frontman Rob Halford needs a teleprompter to remember the words to 'Breaking the Law.'
In an interview with the Guardian, the metal legend belittles fame as "the excrement of creativity," mocks self-obsessed bands who promenade around "as if they had a mirror attached to themselves," wonders why his band doesn't get as much media attention as Elvis Costello despite having sold five times as many records, and bemoans the fact that festival shows have been taken over by crowds expecting VIP treatment and an "air-conditioned yurt (tent)."
After attacking bands who use hidden singers on stage -- promising that at a Maiden show, "there's just one singer, there's nobody hiding behind the amps, unlike some other guys we shan't mention" -- Dickinson then goes on to take a humorous shot at fellow metal legend and former duet partner Halford's use of an Autocue teleprompter on stage. "I never realized that people were using Autocues. What the f--- is that all about? People pay good money and you can't even remember the sodding words. The daftest one I ever saw was [Judas Priest's] 'Breaking the Law.' It's on the f---ing Autocue. 'Breaking the law, breaking the law / Breaking the law, breaking the law / Breaking the law, breaking the law / Breaking the law' – guess what? – 'breaking the law.' It's ludicrous."
In Halford's defense, it's possible that the teleprompter might actually be helping him stay alive by allowing him to keep an eye out for giant, wayward pieces of the stage set -- such as the one that almost wiped out he and his bandmates one night...
Watch Judas Priest Explain How They Almost Died on Stage