Bob Dylan Autographed ‘Tempest’ CD Sells for $3,000 on eBay
A Bob Dylan autograph is notoriously difficult to obtain. So when a signed copy of his new album 'Tempest’ appeared on eBay recently, the bidding went through the roof and eventually landed the seller the amazing sum of $3,000.
Of course, to be fair, the autographed disc was paired with other ‘Tempest’ memorabilia including a T-shirt and poster, all obtained at the Dylan pop-up store in New York back around the September release date.
The concept of a pop-up store to promote an artist’s new release can be compared to the midnight madness promotions that record stores hosted back in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Fans have repeatedly proven that they’ll queue for hours just to get their copy first.
That sort of loyalty can really pay off, especially in a case such as this, when 15 signed copies of 'Tempest' were made available to those who arrived earliest. The seller even includes the actual sales receipt in the auction listing, so the winner can always remember just how much they overpaid for this completely non-essential item.
Though the high bidder is surely pleased to have won this auction, given how the seller profited a few thousand dollars, it’s safe to say -- he’s the real winner here.