No artist has had a career like Bob Dylan’s. It spans more than 50 years and includes more classic albums than almost any other artist. It also includes its fair share of duds, but who else has released a classic LP like ‘The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan’ way back in 1963 and is still making modern-day masterpieces like ‘Modern Times’ 43 years later? From his acoustic singer-songwriter beginnings to his plugged-in revolutionary records of the mid ‘60s to the country music that followed to the late-career rebirth on pre- and post-new-millennium albums like ‘Time Out of Mind’ and ‘Love and Theft,’ Dylan has crafted a body of songs that is as timeless as it is contemporary. He’s made one of rock’s best double albums (‘Blonde on Blonde’), breakup records (‘Blood on the Tracks’) and all-time greats (‘Highway 61 Revisited’). Nobody else has that kind of track record.
- Birthdate: May 24, 1941
- Selected Discography: ‘Highway 61 Revisited’ (1965), ‘Blonde on Blonde’ (1966), ‘Blood on the Tracks’ (1975)
- Related Artists: The Band
- Further Reading: Top 10 Bob Dylan Songs, Top 10 Bob Dylan Bootleg Albums, Top 10 Bob Dylan Lyrics