Scott Weiland Trashes Stone Temple Pilots EP With Linkin Park’s Chester Bennington
Stone Temple Pilots' decision to carry on without Scott Weiland didn't sit well with their estranged frontman, but he may have the last laugh after all. In a new interview, Weiland couldn't help pointing out the poor sales figures of their first effort with Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington, an EP called 'High Rise.'
“They made an album and it sold 35,000 units,' Weiland told Chill. "That’s kind of unbelievable considering STP sold over 40 million. I'm sure Chester’s band Linkin Park has sold pretty much the same amount. It didn’t work, though. People weren’t buying into it.”
When he was asked if he envisioned a scenario where he might rejoin his old alt-rock outfit, Weiland decided to hedge his bets. “I’m really committed to what I'm doing right now,” he said. “There are memories I have that will always be close to my heart, but as far as will there ever be anything again with STP? It’s very hard to say. I’ve learned to never say never in this business, but at this juncture, I'm 100 percent focused on my band the Wildabouts, making a record with them, and being the leader of that band.”
Still, despite his claim to be "100 percent focused" on the Wildabouts, last month he said that he would love to reunite with Velvet Revolver to “only play at festivals. You know, to make easy money.”