Anthrax Singer Joey Belladonna Says Journey Songs Helped Him Get Gig
Several years ago, Anthrax singer Joey Belladonna admitted that he relied on Journey to get him through his audition. "I hit the mic and belted out some Journey," he recalled in a 2005 interview. "I think it was ‘Lights.’ I didn’t know what the hell I was getting into in the first place. I just wanted to lay some vocals or something. Just to kinda give an idea and that’s what happened. It wasn’t really anything more than that. I just kinda belched it out."
Belladonna is still singing the songs. Last night, he showed up for Jam Night at the Lucky Strike in Hollywood and brought his best Steve Perry impression with him. As captured in a pair of fan-shot clips, Belladonna performed Journey's "Wheel in the Sky" (which you can watch above) and "Stone in Love" (which is below).
Anthrax fans will no doubt recall that Belladonna has a long history of covering Journey cuts, including during a 2012 Steel Panther gig that found him handling the vocals for "Don't Stop Believin'."
That affinity for melodic rock is shared by other members of the band, as bassist Frank Bello told Loudwire prior to the release of Anthrax's 2013 covers EP Anthems. "Those are our influences, honestly," he pointed out. "Whether you want to take Journey and the melodic influences — great band, great musicians. I think it’s like a sponge thing, like Boston — great harmonies, great vocals, great guitar. All of these things, these are the things we’ve grown up with."
Watch Anthrax Singer Joey Belladonna Cover Journey's "Stone in Love"
See Journey and Other Rockers in the Top 100 Albums of the '80s
You Think You Know Journey?