American Valhalla, a documentary that follows the making of Iggy Pop's 2016 Post Pop Depression album with Josh Homme, will be released on home video on March 9.

The movie was first screened in theaters during the summer of 2017, a year after the LP came out. Directors Homme and Andreas Neumann recorded proceedings from the moment songwriting conversations began to the tour dates in support of the album. Also included are scenes from the band’s secret studio sessions and Pop’s reaction to the death of his close friend Davie Bowie during preparations for the tour.

You can watch the trailer above.

“Something miraculous happens when two kindred spirits collaborate … which is exactly what happened when Iggy Pop and Queens of the Stone Age frontman Joshua Homme joined forces to create Pop’s 2016 album Post Pop Depression," reads the press release announcement from Eagle Rock, which is releasing American Valhalla on DVD and digital. "American Valhalla goes beyond a behind-the-scenes music documentary. Presented via Neumann’s stunning photography and cinematography, with intimate conversations led by Anthony Bourdain, the film explores themes of taking chances, instincts and legacy. As Homme stated, ‘You risk nothing, you gain nothing’ – a mantra echoed throughout the film’s 81 minutes.”

Following the release of Post Pop Depression's lead track, “Gardenia,” Pop said of the collaboration with Homme, "I proposed to him by text from my flip phone. I just said, 'I thought maybe we could write something and record it.' I didn't want to put it in a box, and neither did he. ... We corresponded by text and prose poem for a while." “It's a wonderful way to get to know somebody," Homme added. "You should try it."

Homme also revealed that the post-recording work that followed three weeks of studio time was the reason he hadn’t been on the road with the Eagles of Death Metal when that band's Paris concert was targeted by terrorists in 2015.

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