Gene Simmons Wages One-Man War on Twitter’s CAPS LOCK Rule
Nobody tells the God of Thunder how to type. Gene Simmons is confusing, angering and amusing his Twitter followers by brazenly defying social media convention and writing exclusively in capital letters. And to answer your first question, Yes, it is a slow news day.
The Kiss founder (and newly elected member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame) has taken a much more active role on his Twitter page in recent weeks, answering all manner of fan questions, promoting the latest Kiss merchandise and offering an impressive variety of movie reviews. (He gives thumbs up to 'The Wolf of Wall Street,' thumbs down for '47 Ronin' and 'Anchorman 2,' if you were wondering.)
But no matter whether he's reminding fans it was he who discovered Van Halen, listing all the famous bands whose first tours were opening for Kiss or singing America's praises, Simmons talks EXCLUSIVELY IN CAPITAL LETTERS, a style typically reserved for yelling in our brave new digital world. And that's driving some of his readers a little batty, as you can see below:
Despite these posts and undoubtedly dozens more just like them, Simmons remains unbowed and in fact seems to be having a good laugh at some of the more creative posts about the great CAPS LOCK controversy of 2013:
Our favorite is this one, a reply to Gene's post asking fans to list their New Year's resolutions: