Aerosmith, fresh off doubling up ZZ Top in the first round of the 2013 Ultimate Classic Rock Bowl, are about to find that things won't get any easier. That's because their round two opponent is none other than Rush, who dispatched Lynyrd Skynyrd with ease in their previous battle.

The bad boys from Boston eliminated the little old band from Texas by a earning 65% of the vote, while Canada's favorite power trio shot down any chance Skynyrd had by taking 58% of all ballots.

So now it's brains vs. swagger, as Aerosmith, the band who rebuilt a lost empire squares off against Rush, the group who never lost theirs in the first place. How exactly do you choose between two bands with so little in common? Well, you could compare their latest albums -- 'Music From Another Dimension!,' or 'Clockwork Angels' -- or think back to the most recent time you saw each in concert.

Regardless, which band advances to the final four is completely up to you. You can vote once per hour in each of the four second round matches from now until Sunday, Jan. 20 at 11:59 PM ET. The 2013 Ultimate Classic Rock Bowl winner will be announced Feb. 4 -- the day after the Super Bowl.

Ultimate Classic Rock Bowl
Ultimate Classic Rock

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