2014 Commercial of the Year – 4th Annual Ultimate Classic Rock Awards
Our favorite music continued to play a vital role with advertisers in 2014. The 4th Annual Ultimate Classic Rock Awards gives you the opportunity to determine which song best served the product with which it was paired last year.
Below you’ll find 14 commercials that used rockers as diverse as Black Sabbath, Bob Dylan, Kiss and Queen. Sometimes they were used for comedic effect; other times for dramatic purposes. Watch them below and then vote your favorite once an hour from now until Feb. 3.
AC/DC, ‘Hells Bells’
TerminixBad Company, ‘Feel Like Makin’ Love’
CraftsmanBlack Sabbath, ‘War Pigs’
‘300: Rise of an Empire’Dio, ‘Eat Your Heart Out’
Carl’s Jr / Hardee’sBob Dylan, ‘Things Have Changed’
ChryslerForeigner, ‘Hot Blooded’
Hot PocketsKiss, ‘Rock and Roll All Nite’
AndroidLed Zeppelin, ‘Whole Lotta Love’
Christian DiorJohn Lennon, Elvis Presley and Kurt Cobain, ‘Rockers Who Died Young’
Bavaria RadlerLoverboy, Dee Snider, ‘Working for the Weekend’
Radio ShackMotley Crue, ‘Kickstart My Heart’
DodgeQueen, ‘I Want It All’
VerizonRush, ‘Working Man’
WalmartPaul Stanley, ‘Folgers Jingle’
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