Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee is clearly very excited for this weekend's Sunset Strip Music Festival, and for two very good reasons. First, because his band will be the headline honorees of the three day event, and second, because city officials saw their way clear to letting him set his beloved drum coaster up for their show.

"How rad is that?" Lee asked Revolver during a brief video interview. "I'm pretty damn excited about that. I can't believe we got that, because it wasn't gonna happen. We went through hell with the city, all the powers that be, to actually get it all set up. It's gonna happen. I'm gonna be upside down on the f------- Sunset Strip, baby, can't wait!"

The festivities kicked off last night (Aug. 18) with a special VIP gathering that featured the Crue being alternately honored and roasted by comedian Dane Cook as well as various friends and peers. We haven't seen any reports about Nikki Sixx diving into the crowd after anybody who went too far, so we'll assume the night went off without too much trouble.

It all leads up to the big show tomorrow night, when the famous street where Motley Crue struggled (and succeeded) at making a name for themselves 30 years ago gets closed down in honor of their concert.

Lee already knows where he'll be: "Come Saturday, I'll have the best seat in the house. I'll be looking at Sunset upside down and going wild. Talk about full circle!"

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