Love 'em or hate 'em, Nickelback do know how to put on a show, and it's that desire to see what the band would do next that landed 22-year-old Kevin Beaudette in a world of hurt.


Gawker reports that Beaudette had to be rescued by fire fighters after falling into a 40-foot gorge while attempting to sneak into a venue where the band was playing.

Beaudette unsuccessfully attempted to break into the Performing Arts Center at Saratoga Springs in New York, but lost his footing and fell into the Geyser Brook Gorge that runs alongside the SPAC Route 50 parking lot.

The 22-year-old was said to have been drunk at the time of the incident. Initial attempts by medical crews to help Beaudette escape the hole proved unsuccessful, at which point the fire department was called and a basket was required to get him out of his situation. He was later treated for cuts and bruises and released from the hospital. Beaudette will not face criminal charges.

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