The two contestants in this second-round battle of our Rock Star Wars competition couldn't be more dissimilar: Elton John's "Rocket Man." and Megadeth's "Hangar 18."

To try and fill our days between now and the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie, we’ve tracked down 32 space-themed classic rock songs and paired them off against each other in a series of intergalactic battles. The field will be halved every week based on your votes, until only the spaciest song in rock history is left.

Elton John's "Rocket Man" is one of his most famous songs, and has often been used as nickname for the singer. A contemplative tale of a lonely astronaut who would rather be with his family than outer space, it was released on Honky Chateau and reached No. 6 in 1972. To get to the second round, "Rocket Man" handily beat Genesis' "Watcher of the Skies" by a 60-40 margin.

"Hangar 18," from Megadeth's Rust in Peace, concerns the Dayton, Ohio, Air Force base where it is believed that the government has stored the remains of an unidentified flying object that crashed in Roswell, N.M., in 1947. In the first round, the song defeated the Steve Miller Band's "Space Cowboy" with a little more than 56 percent of the vote.

Which song will advance to the quarterfinals? That's your call. You can vote in each of our contests once an hour until this round of Rock Star Wars ends on Nov. 30 at 11:59PM Eastern. You can listen to both songs below to help you decide. The winner of our Rock Star Wars battle will be revealed on Dec. 22, 2015.

Listen to Megadeth's 'Hangar 18'

Listen to Elton John's 'Rocket Man'


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