Eddie Van Halen Admits ‘Back to the Future’ Guitar Work was His
It's long been speculated that Eddie Van Halen makes a musical cameo in the 1985 classic film 'Back to the Future.' Now the guitarist has confirmed it. TMZ reports that Van Halen has confirmed it's him playing on the cassette Marty McFly scares his father with.
The loud guitar work isn't from an unreleased song, as many VH fans secretly hoped. It's "just a bunch of noise," Van Halen says. If you forget the scene, you can watch below. Marty McFly, played by Michael J. Fox, puts on a space suit and slips a cassette into his walkman. It's a radical device in 1955 America, as is Eddie's guitar work.
The older McFly, played by Crispin Glover, is terrified by the noise but willing to listen to whatever this spaceman has to say. Really, Eddie Van Halen's guitar work is critical to the resolution of the movie. The cassette reads "Edward Van Halen," and now fans of the movie and band know it wasn't just for effect.