Ted Nugent to Launch Discovery Channel ‘Gun Country’ Series
There's no doubt that Ted Nugent loves his guns, and beginning next month fans will be able to see his passion on display in the new Discovery Channel series, 'Ted Nugent's Gun Country.'
The show will be an inside look at American gun culture as seen through the eyes of the Nuge. The ever-loyal defender of the second amendment takes the viewer into the world of his 'Spirit Wild' ranch in Texas, introducing us to his family and the many species of big game that also reside there.
The first episode features Ted acquiring new firearms and hunting with his son. Ultimately, Ted prepares a festive meal at the ranch that includes guests from Wounded Warriors, something he calls his way of giving back to those who fought on behalf of the country he loves so much.
In a press release for the program, Ted says, "Nobody has more absolute fun with guns than my family. Like millions of American families, these utilitarian tools and works of art serve us well in all manner of good, clean, legal, safe fun, recreation and competition. Our American Dream is measured in ballistics." Say what you like about the man, he certainly speaks his mind and pulls no punches.
'Ted Nugent's Gun Country' premieres on Oct. 10 at 10pm ET on the Discovery Channel.