DVD of the Year – 2014 Ultimate Classic Rock Awards
Music is great and all, but you know what makes it so much better sometimes? Watching it. The best DVDs of 2013 featured a mix of concert documents (for those times when you just couldn't make it to the show), history lessons (you can never know too much about your favorite artists) and big-screen features (with things like plot and dialogue). But which is the best? Vote now for DVD of the Year in the 2014 Ultimate Classic Rock Awards.
‘Rock for the Rising Sun’
AerosmithThe earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in 2011 left Fukushima a mess. Aerosmith planned some concerts there to help out fans, even though everyone told them to stay away. ‘Rock for the Rising Sun’ documents their experience with interviews and music.
The BeatlesThe Beatles' second movie was more plot-driven than their first. And the music was more adventurous. The film's Blu-ray debut looks and sounds great, wringing HD glory from the Fab Four's global romp. Bonus features go behind the scenes.
‘Live ... Gathered in Their Masses’
Black SabbathBlack Sabbath capped their comeback year with a concert disc recorded at an early stop on their current tour. Much of the new '13' material sounds big onstage, but it's the classic songs from the band's long career that really shake the room.
'History of the Eagles'
The EaglesThe first part of this engrossing documentary on one of the most popular groups of the past 40 years made its way into movie theaters. The home-video release includes an entire second chapter -- picking up after the early-'80s breakup -- worth seeing too.
‘Hear My Train A-Comin''
Jimi HendrixThe most straightforward Jimi Hendrix bio is also one of the best, collecting archival footage from the vaults, as well as early home videos and stories from the people who helped shape the guitar great's life. There's plenty of great music along the way.
Judas PriestOK, so with a new album arriving this year, this DVD is clearly not the farewell that its title and Judas Priest's pre-tour announcements led us to believe we'd be getting. We dare you to tell us that's anything but good news after you watch and hear the two-hour history lesson these metal legends --- seemingly re-energized by new guitarist Richie Faulkner -- deliver on this awesome live set.
'Ultralive Ballisticrock'
Ted NugentTed Nugent's recent shows have gotten a jolt of life thanks to the return of Derek St. Holmes, who played on some of Nugent's best '70s material. This 2011 concert gathers many of the Motor City Madman's greatest hits, fine-tuned for a new millennium.
'Sweet Summer Sun: Hyde Park Live’
The Rolling StonesIn the middle of their big 50th-anniversary celebration, the Rolling Stones returned to the outdoor London venue that was the setting of one of their most famous '60s concerts. It's one of the loosest performances the veteran group has played in years.
‘Clockwork Angels Tour’
RushRush brought a string section onstage with them for some of the songs they played on tour in support of their latest album. They're the most revelatory moments on this concert disc, but the wide range of classics are pretty great too.
'Concert for Ronnie Montrose'
Various ArtistsIf 90% of what you know about Ronnie Montrose's music can be found on his first group's legendary debut album, this DVD -- featuring a parade of former Montrose, Gamma and solo band alumni and friends including Neal Schon, Joe Satriani and Sammy Hagar -- will be a very welcome eye-opener. The love and respect they all share for the recently departed guitarist shines through each and every performance.
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