Dee Snider's upcoming concert release will include a cover of AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" as well as a new studio song, "Prove Me Wrong."

For the Love of Metal Live arrives on July 31 as a Blu-ray/DVD/CD collection. It was recorded as Snider toured the world behind 2018's For the Love of Metal, and features many songs from that album plus Twisted Sister classics and other solo favorites. The digital download adds three songs, and the video portion includes interview segments.

“The response to For the Love of Metal was so strong, and my new band so good, that I wanted to capture ‘Dee Snider’ for the new millennium," Snider said in a press release. "All of my other live concert releases are all about the past. And while my past is represented here, it is presented along with my new music, played by my new band and is very much ‘in the now.' The included interviews give insight into my world, my journey and my evolution since I started nearly 50 years ago.”

The For the Love of Metal Live CD concludes with the new track, "Prove Me Wrong." You can watch the lyric video for the song below.

Snider noted that the title phrase has long been a mantra for him.“‘Prove Me Wrong’ are words that I've thought in my head since the day I began rocking," he said. "I had a monster chip on my shoulder and dared the world to knock it off. ... Nobody ever could. At this point in my career, I thought I'd let everybody in on what has kept be going all these many years. Prove me wrong!"

You can see the track listing for the set below.

Dee Snider, 'For the Love of Metal Live' Track Listing
1. "Lies Are A Business"
2. "Tomorrow's No Concern"
3. "You Can't Stop Rock 'N' Roll"
4. "The Beast"
5. "American Made"
6. "Under the Blade"
7. "The Kids Are Back"
8. "Become the Storm"
9. "We're Not Gonna Take It"
10. "I Am the Hurricane"
11. "Burn In Hell"
12. "I Wanna Rock Live"
13. "For the Love of Metal"
14. "Highway to Hell"
15. "Prove Me Wrong"

1. "Lies Are A Business"
2. Pain of Traveling (Interview)
3. T"omorrow's No Concern"
4. "You Can't Stop Rock 'N' Roll"
5. New Record (Interview)
6. "The Beast"
7. "American Made"
8. "Under the Blade"
9. Song Writing (Interview)
10. "The Kids Are Back"
11. "Become the Storm"
12. "We're Not Gonna Take It"
13. WNGTI (Interview)
14. "I Am the Hurricane"
15. "Burn In Hell"
16. Rock of Ages (Interview)
17. "I Wanna Rock"
18. "For the Love of Metal"
19. AC/DC (Interview)
20. "Highway to Hell"
21. Credits
22. "Ready to Fall" (Bonus Track)
23. "The Fire Still Burns" (Bonus Track)
24. "Roll Over You" (Bonus Track)
25. Suzette (Interview)
26. Hearing (Interview)
27. Strangeland (Interview)
28. Lemmy (Interview)

1. "Lies Are a Business"
2. "Tomorrow’s No Concern"
3. "You Can’t Stop Rock ’N’ Roll"
4. "The Beast"
5. "American Made"
6. "Under the Blade"
7. "The Kids Are Back"
8. "Become the Storm"
9. "We’re Not Gonna Take It"
10. "I Am the Hurricane"
11. "Burn In Hell"
12. "I Wanna Rock"
13. "For the Love of Metal"
14. "Highway to Hell"
15. "Ready to Fall"
16. "The Fire Still Burns"
17. "Roll Over You"
18. "Prove Me Wrong"


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