A Christmas gift from a TV appearance filmed by David Bowie looks like it's finally made its way to his son 36 years later.

Bowie wore a seasonal scarf to record an introduction to the British Oscar-nominated animated short The Snowman, which has since become a cult favorite and a regular feature of the holiday season.

Son Duncan Jones – who was known as Zowie earlier in his life – was 11 years old when the film was released in 1982 and 13 when Bowie became involved. In his introduction, made especially for The Snowman's U.S. broadcast, Bowie is seen pulling the scarf from an attic drawer and wrapping it round his neck as he explains that a “real snowman” gave it to him.

Jones, who's now an acclaimed filmmaker, tweeted a picture of himself wearing it himself, saying: “Went looking for sock monkeys in the storage boxes and FOUND THE SCARF!!! YAY!” TV producer Brian Harding responded, identifying himself as the person who’d been in charge of the Bowie intro.

“You may not remember the history,” he said. “The scarf was knitted by the lady in the accounts department of TVC, the production company who made the animation. She came onto the set and presented it to David. When filming was over, David asked very politely if he could keep the scarf to give to his son, Zowie. This was the only fee he charged for the filming, and I believe he offered his services for personal reasons.”

He added that Bowie was “charming throughout and totally professional." “I am glad that the scarf found its way to the destination he intended," Harding said. "From the dude to another dude.”

The exchange led to the suggestion that Jones could follow in his father’s footsteps by recording his own version of the Snowman intro, developing the concept of the story and prop being handed down. “Oh, man, I could try!” Jones replied.

UPDATE: Apparently Jones actually found the scarf in 2016 but had misplaced it before rediscovering it again recently.

You can watch Bowie's intro to The Snowman below.


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