Brian Wilson on Future Beach Boys Reunions: ‘Doubt It’
Sunday night (Feb. 10) marked a milestone for the Beach Boys, who picked up their first-ever Grammy for the 'Smile Sessions' box set -- but that doesn't mean the recently renewed rift between Brian Wilson and Mike Love will be mended anytime soon.
Wilson, on hand to collect the award, was asked repeatedly whether he thought the Beach Boys would ever put together another reunion of the surviving original band members, and each time, the answer was more or less the same. "No, I don't think so. Doubt it," he told Rolling Stone, and when ABC asked the question, he responded, "Probably not."
Of course, the Beach Boys being the Beach Boys, no twist in the famously contentious relationship between Wilson and Love would be too strange to believe. The band's much-ballyhooed 50th anniversary reunion and tour (accompanied with a well-received new album, 'That's Why God Made the Radio') came after decades of lawsuits and estrangement between the cousins, so it would seem like a comparatively small thing for Love to mend fences with Wilson, Al Jardine, and David Marks, the band members he dismissed last year in the name of keeping the reunion "special."
Wilson, meanwhile, continues to write and record new music -- and in a bit of news that should provide a small measure of comfort to longtime Beach Boys fans, he told ABC that he and his fellow band exiles are "going to try to get an album together."