Sometimes, it feels like you can learn all of the important things about life simply by paying attention to your favorite classic rockers. A while back, Rush's Neil Peart taught us how to stay healthy, today, Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones is sharing his anti-aging secrets with us.

From Jagger’s point of view, it’s all about having a routine, which for him, includes Pilates, yoga and a regular exercise schedule. The Daily Times of Pakistan reports that Jagger starts each day with an eight mile run, and follows that with a variety of activities ranging from kickboxing to ballet.

What? We’d like to challenge TMZ to get those unseen photos of His Sir Mickness wearing rights or a tutu – the world needs to see that! (editor's note: isn't that pretty much what he wore on the '81 tour?)

Jagger goes on to say that a healthy diet also helps a lot when you’re trying to keep your youth – put down those pizzas and beer, or at least moderate your intake. Mick sticks to a diet that includes wholegrain bread, potatoes, rice, beans, pasta, chicken and fish.

It also probably helps that Jagger keeps busy with many things during his Stones downtime. He’s about to drop his most ambitious project to date, with the pending release of the debut album from his new project SuperHeavy.

Let’s try to follow Mick's advice on this one, and see what we can learn, huh? Heck, Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page once shared with this author that the secret to staying youthful was to get yourself a hot young girlfriend, which as we continue to reflect, makes a hell of a lot of sense.

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