Judas Priest’s Rob Halford Urges Fans to Get COVID-19 Vaccination
Judas Priest frontman Rob Halford is urging all metal fans to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.
“Hi everyone. This is your metal god, Rob Halford of Judas Priest, sending you a massive shoutout of thanks to our metal community for doing the right thing by getting the life-saving vaccine that will eventually eradicate COVID-19 around the world,” the rocker began in his video message uploaded to Instagram.
“One thing we’re proud about in metal is that we not only stand together united for our music, but also for each other,” the rocker declared, before reminding fans that vaccinations will likely enable the return of live music. “Common sense states that by having the jab, we’re opening up one of the most important areas that we have so desperately missed, which is being side by side, horns way up at clubs, theaters, arenas and festivals where who we are and what we live for is tangible and real with the bands we love. So let’s get those amazing vibes and feelings back faster.”
Halford closed his message by urging those who have not yet been vaccinated to “please stand up,” adding that “Judas Priest and all bands everywhere are made complete by playing live for our fans.”
Watch the singer's full message in the video below.
Halford is one of the many rock stars to champion the importance of vaccinations via their personal social media accounts. At the end of March, the singer posted an image of himself proudly displaying his COVID-19 vaccination card, with the one word caption “done.”
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