Jimmy Page has been rocking the world over with his distinct brand of dirty blues for decades. The fine folks at the Quaker Oats Company have been shilling their delicious and nutritious brand of oats-based cereal for more than a century.

Jimmy Page, of course, hasn't always looked like the slightly plumb, rosy-cheeked, grey-haired man that smiles at hungry, health-conscious consumers from the front of a cereal box. Back in the '60s, he was the swaggering, Les Paul-slinging young axeman busting out epic licks with Led Zeppelin and driving the ladies crazy.

But time has caught up with Page over the years -- in a way that it hasn't with the ageless Mr. Quaker Oats, obviously -- and Jimmy has transformed into more of a distinguished-looking older gentleman. One that we think just happens to have a very uncanny resemblance to the Quaker Oats guy. Or is this one just us?

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