Poison drummer Rikki Rockett, who was once falsely accused of sexual misconduct, spoke out on the controversy surrounding the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court following investigations into claims of sexual assault. He also voiced support for the public protests surrounding the appointment.

Rockett said he believed neither Kavanaugh nor his chief accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, had made sufficiently compelling cases, but that he felt arguments relating to the #MeToo movement had been improved as a result of the high-profile debate.

“I refuse to be partisan about policies,” Rockett said in a Facebook post. “I want what makes sense, not what fits a political party's agenda. As for this Kavanagh/Ford thing, here goes … First off, I don't like Kavanaugh, personally. I think he is a frat boy who has probably gotten away with all kinds of shit that a privileged person has gotten away with all his life. He seems arrogant and very partisan. On the other hand, I don't really think Ford is some amazing, remarkable woman either. I do think she is brave and I don't think that she is an out-and-out liar either.

“The #1 takeaway for me is this: Just because Kavanaugh is a jerk and Ford is whatever she is, does that mean Kavanaugh shouldn't get in? I do think Ford is credible, but she doesn't have proof. Kavanaugh doesn't have a good story either, but the burden is on Ford.”

He said the second important point for him was that “people will not always get away with accusations without proof from now on. That’s the good thing about this story. Women will not be dismissed so easily either.”

Recalling his own experience, Rockett explained that he was "accused of a sexual act by a woman I never met in a place I had never been to at a time when I was in another state. She finally admitted it wasn't me, but if the stakes were more murky, it could have gotten far more interesting than it did.”

He noted that "people getting away with sexual misconduct is wrong. People getting away with false accusations is wrong. There is a due process and it isn't always fair in the end. So, how can I support the nomination and not the person? Easy, I don't like the guy, but Ford didn't have a compelling enough case to make this work in her favor. Doesn't mean that nothing happened and I'm glad that she came out. Good for her. It was brave. Don't slut-shame a decent woman who was probably a victim. But will we ever know?

"I also support the protests," he continued. "Yes, I do! Raise hell and let your voice be heard. We need more of it but, be decent and respectful. Why fight for freedom and not use the freedom by not protesting when we think we are wronged? We must.”

Rockett criticized Kavanaugh for being partisan and not impartial. “It's sad that it is even political at all," he said. "Just like Ford, though, he has been brave through this. I still don't like him, but at least some things will be looked at differently from now on.”

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