Original Ratt Bassist Juan Croucier Hopes Recent Reunion ‘Will Last Far Into the Future’
During the band's recent performance at the M3 Rock Festival in Columbia, Md., Ratt fans were treated to a very special show when original bassist Juan Croucier joined the group on stage for the first time since 1991.
The seeds from the reunion were partially planted this past January, when Ratt guitarist Warren DeMartini bumped into Croucier at the NAMM festival. "This guy walks up with Ratt's 'Out Of The Cellar' LP and it had every band member's autograph except his and mine. Juan said in disbelief, 'Do you know what the odds are of this happening in a crowd of 100,000 people? Another couple minutes and this wouldn’t be possible!' I think that says it all. Rehearsing with Juan [the week before the M3 Rock Festival] was like going back in time to our last performance together in Ratt at Irvine Meadows two decades ago — [it felt] like it was yesterday."
The exit of longtime Ratt bassist Robbie Crane in March also probably helped hasten Croucier's return to the Ratt fold. Still he claims that as recently as October 2011, even he wasn't sure what the future would hold. In an interview with Legendary Rock Interviews at the time, Croucier broached the possibility of returning to Ratt stating, "I never say never, because I can't predict the future but there have been some very nasty things said and done to me by my former band mates in Ratt. It has destroyed the trust, bond and respect we once had among each other."
Apparently, the collective members of Ratt are very interested in moving forward with Croucier, with the bassist himself stating, "It's hard to believe that it's been almost 20 years since we last played together. I’m personally looking forward to reconnecting with Ratt fans worldwide and I'm hopeful this will last far into the future."