R.E.M.'s Anger Comes Into Focus on 'Welcome to the Occupation'R.E.M.'s Anger Comes Into Focus on 'Welcome to the Occupation'Their third song about U.S. intervention in Central and South America was the most direct repudiation yet.Bryan WawzenekBryan Wawzenek
'Finest Worksong': R.E.M. Gets Loud and Political but Stays Weird'Finest Worksong': R.E.M. Gets Loud and Political but Stays WeirdAs they sprinted toward a long-developing commercial breakthrough in 1987, they came to more fully understand their power as a band.Nick DeRisoNick DeRiso
How R.E.M.'s 'Document' Dragged College Rock Into the MainstreamHow R.E.M.'s 'Document' Dragged College Rock Into the MainstreamA Top 10 hit and a platinum album marked the end of their world as an underground sensation (and they felt fine).Bryan WawzenekBryan Wawzenek