Suzette Snider, the lovely wife of Twisted Sister singer and radio host Dee Snider, gamely took part in 'Celebrity Wife Swap' by swapping her husband for rapper Flavor Flav.

The episode aired on Tuesday, Jan. 10. You can join in the fun by watching these two hilarious clips. When Flav finds out will be spending time with Suzette, and whose wife she is, he says, "Yo, Dee Schneider!" He is beyond psyched, at first. We can't blame him, since Suzette is quite the looker.

Flav's excitement quickly dims, as he realizes he is in for a rude awakening when Suzette lays down her rules and regulations. She wants him to focus on family and makes an effort to domesticate him and get him to position family as priority over his "boys."

Specifically, Suz wants Flav to put his phone in vibrate mode and wants him going bowling with the kids! It's a hoot listening to her lay down the law in her thick "New Yawk" accent! She ain't having any of it when he misses their skydiving lesson, either. She definitely does her best to whip Flav into shape and it's entertaining TV, that's for sure!

Watch Dee Snider's Wife Suzette on 'Celebrity Wife Swap' Part 1
Watch Dee Snider's Wife Suzette on 'Celebrity Wife Swap' Part 2

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